
Downtown Development

Downtown Gainesville is a thriving live, work, and play area for families and tourists alike.  Improving access to the downtown area from surrounding neighborhoods has allowed new business to take advantage of infill and redevelopment opportunities including a new hotel and conference center.  


Off E.E. Butler Parkway, the old “First National Bank,” is being torn down to make room for a Courtyard Marriott and the NEW National apartment and event center. 

Our Vision

Downtown Gainesville is a thriving live, work, and play area for families and tourists alike.  Improving access to the downtown area from surrounding neighborhoods has allowed new business to take advantage of infill and re-development opportunities including a new hotel and conference center.


  • A pedestrian bridge connecting Midtown and Downtown Gainesville was completed in 2011.
  • Streetscaping along the outer streets (Main, Jesse Jewell Parkway, E.E. Butler Parkway) of downtown Gainesville make travel more welcoming for pedestrians.  
  • Investment of over $53 million in retail, restaurants, housing, and office space in Downtown Gainesville will begin construction in 2018.
  • Midtown Gainesville development includes greenspace, townhouses, event space, restaurants
  • A downtown strategic development plan has been created and is being implemented. 

Downtown Development


Tim Knight, Chair

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