
About Vision 2030

VISION 2030 is a community project of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and was initiated in 2005 with over 1,000 Gainesville-Hall County citizens describing the community they’d like to live, work, and raise families in with a “common vision.”

Sponsored by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, Vision 2030 is a community project, and participation is encouraged from everyone in Hall County.

Vision 2030 is a coordinated group of volunteers leading long-term initiatives, defined by the citizens, to position Gainesville-Hall County as the most enviable community in Georgia by the year 2030. Acting as change agents, the group champions these initiatives and propels them forward through collaborative partnerships with government, education, business, and non-profits.

How it Began

  • Citizens were engaged and asked to think about their community by describing and visioning a plan for the community they would like to live, work, and play in for the next 25 years.
  • The comments and information were taken from the”Community Vision Meetings” and a draft “Common Vision”captured the major elements.
  • Planning groups, compiled of citizens throughout Gainesville-Hall County, drafted recommendations for achieving the common visions.
  • The community was invited to review and critique the work of the planning groups. Every document and decision was available for public comment through open meetings, unprecedented public communications, and an accessible website. 
  • The end product, we believe, is a long-term goal and plan for Gainesville-Hall County that the vast majority of citizens recognize as their own and support wholeheartedly.

What it is Today

  • Progress toward the Big Ideas is done within working volunteer committees. The committee chairs serve as part of the Vision 2030 Board. The Board meets once a month to keep updated and collaborate. Vision Board/Committee Chairs serve a minimum of 3 years.
  • Committee chairs and co-chairs meet regularly with their committees to further the work of their Big Idea goals. Committee membership is open to anyone with interest!
  • Interested community members are encouraged to be involved in committees. Frequent updates via social media, Chamber news, local news media, and presentations keep the public informed.

View the “Citizen’s Vision of Our Future”